
the user has only 12 posts

Antibodies, Biology Cells, cDNA, Culture Cells, Devices, Equipments, Exosomes, Gels, Isotypes, NATtrol, Panel, Particles, PCR, Pcr Kits, Peptides, Reagents, Recombinant Proteins, Ria Kits, RNA, Test Kits

Hydrogen sulfide induces the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines at the U937 human monocyte cell line through the ERK-NF-KAPPAB line.

Hydrogen sulfide induces the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines at the U937 human monocyte cell line through the ERK-NF-KAPPAB line.
Posted by Frank
Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is now considered an endogenous gas mediator, which has been shown to be involved in many inflammatory countries. However, the mechanism of the proinflammatory function is
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Antibodies, Assay Kits, Biology Cells, cDNA, Devices, DNA Templates, Enzymes, Equipments, Exosomes, Gels, Isotypes, Medium & Serums, Particles, PCR, Peptides, Reagents, Recombinant Proteins, Ria Kits, RNA, Test Kits, Vector & Virus

Estriol Inhibits Dermcidin Isoform-2 Induced Inflammatory Cytokine Expression Via Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Human Neutrophil.

Estriol Inhibits Dermcidin Isoform-2 Induced Inflammatory Cytokine Expression Via Nitric Oxide Synthesis in Human Neutrophil.
Posted by Frank
The increase in cytokine levels such as TNF-α and IL-6 caused a surge in inflammation in acute ischemic heart disease (AIHD) .a dermcidin isoform-2 high level (DCN-2) occurs in AIHD will determine
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Antibodies, Biology Cells, cDNA, Clia Kits, Culture Cells, Devices, DNA, DNA Templates, Elisa Kits, Enzymes, Equipments, Exosomes, Isotypes, Medium & Serums, NATtrol, Panel, Particles, PCR, Pcr Kits, Peptides, Reagents, Recombinant Proteins, Ria Kits, RNA, Test Kits

Human β-defensin 3 induces STAT1 phosphorylation, tyrosine phosphatase activity, and cytokine synthesis in T cells.

Human β-defensin 3 induces STAT1 phosphorylation, tyrosine phosphatase activity, and cytokine synthesis in T cells.
Posted by Frank
AMP HBD-3 stimulates many functions of immune effector in myeloid cells and keratinocytes, especially through MAPK signaling cascade. Instead, HBD-3 reportedly neutralized the activation of T cells
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Antibodies, Assay Kits, Biology Cells, cDNA, Culture Cells, DNA, DNA Templates, Elisa Kits, Equipments, Exosomes, Gels, Isotypes, Medium & Serums, NATtrol, Panel, Reagents, Recombinant Proteins, Ria Kits, RNA, Test Kits, Vector & Virus

Learn at the synthesis of complement components by human kidney mesangial cells in culture. Assessment of cytokine effects.

Learn at the synthesis of complement components by human kidney mesangial cells in culture. Assessment of cytokine effects.
Posted by Frank
Cultivation of kidney mesangial cells (MC) is easily established and widely used. MCs produce several complementary regulatory proteins (C). We studied whether MC synthesized components C (C3, C5,
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Antibodies, Assay Kits, Biology Cells, cDNA, Clia Kits, Culture Cells, Devices, DNA, DNA Templates, Elisa Kits, Enzymes, Equipments, Exosomes, Gels, Isotypes, Medium & Serums, NATtrol, Panel, Particles, PCR, Pcr Kits, Peptides, Reagents, Recombinant Proteins, Ria Kits, RNA, Test Kits, Vector & Virus, Western Blot

Cancer-associated fibroblasts promote prostate tumor growth and progression through upregulation of cholesterol and steroid biosynthesis.

Cancer-associated fibroblasts promote prostate tumor growth and progression through upregulation of cholesterol and steroid biosynthesis.
Posted by Frank
target receptors androgen therapy has emerged as an effective tool for managing prostate cancer (PCa). However, the frequent occurrence of therapy resistance is a major challenge in the clinical
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Antibodies, Assay Kits, Biology Cells, cDNA, Clia Kits, Culture Cells, Devices, DNA, DNA Templates, Elisa Kits, Enzymes, Equipments, Exosomes, Gels, Isotypes, Medium & Serums, NATtrol, Panel, Particles, PCR, Pcr Kits, Peptides, Reagents, Recombinant Proteins, Ria Kits, RNA, Test Kits, Vector & Virus, Western Blot

Autophagy modulation altered differentiation capacity of CD146+ cells toward endothelial cells, pericytes, and cardiomyocytes.

Autophagy modulation altered differentiation capacity of CD146+ cells toward endothelial cells, pericytes, and cardiomyocytes.
Posted by Frank
BACKGROUNDUntil now, a lot of effort used to enhance the regenerative potential of stem cells. In this study, we evaluated the hypothesis whether the modulation of autophagy could change
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Antibodies, Assay Kits, Biology Cells, cDNA, Clia Kits, Culture Cells, Devices, DNA, DNA Templates, Elisa Kits, Enzymes, Equipments, Exosomes, Gels, Isotypes, Medium & Serums, NATtrol, Panel, Particles, PCR, Pcr Kits, Peptides, Reagents, Recombinant Proteins, Ria Kits, RNA, Test Kits, Vector & Virus, Western Blot

Inhibition of the prostaglandin D2-GPR44/DP2 axis improves human islet survival and function.

Inhibition of the prostaglandin D2-GPR44/DP2 axis improves human islet survival and function.
Posted by Frank
AIMS / HYPOTHESISinflammatory signals and increase the synthesis of prostaglandins play a role during the development of diabetes. The prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) receptor, GPR44 / DP2, is highly
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